08 januar 2011

Mislim, torej sem*

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Moji medoti so šli ravnokar skozi travmatično enoinpolurno izkušnjo pranja in centrifugiranja, zato zdaj olajšano, z večnim nasmeškom na ustnicah, uživajo v rahlo nenavadni pozi sušenja svojih namočenih telesc. :) Medtem sem prebrala odlično knjigo in, kot ljubiteljico jezika, tega osnovnega orodja sporazumevanja in sporočanja misli, želja, hotenj, ..., me je zlasti navdušil naslednji paragraf -

"Isn't it intriguing that thought cannot exist without language, and since language is a function of the brain, we would have to say that language – the ability to experience the world through symbols - is in some sense a physical property of human beings, which proves that the old mind-body duality is so much nonsense, doesn't it? Adieu, Descartes. The mind and the body are one."

*Je pense donc je suis. (Descartes)